
IV Therapy


Restore, balance, hydrate and boost your energy with a IV drip customized to your needs. We offer a wide variety of high quality IV drips to help you feel your best and in office add-ons! Once you make your purchase call the office to schedule your appointment at 734-287-3000!

Intravenous (IV) therapy uses an IV drip to infuse the vitamins, minerals, and peptides your body needs straight into your bloodstream. This combination can improve your immunity, boost your energy levels, kill off bad bacteria and viruses, and even lift your mood.

Because the treatment is bypassing your digestive system and being delivered directly into your veins, you’ll see faster and more effective results. You may even recognize positive changes the same day as your treatment.

We will discuss your specific blend of substances and their benefits before you begin your IV therapy. Depending on your goals and your individual situation, various supplements are available to accomplish your desired results.

Choose One

Immune Shield, Transform, Ultimate Hydration, Myers "All Star" Cocktail, Summer Glow, PMS Relief, Hair of the Dog, Clarity, Energy Boost, Skinny

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Convenient Office Location in Wyandotte, MI

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Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday-Sunday: By Appointment Only
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