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Exion Face & Body


Exion is a cutting-edge solution for those looking to improve skin texture, tighten loose skin, and address a variety of cosmetic concerns on both the face and body. This versatile, non-invasive treatment combines RF (radiofrequency) energy and AI technology to deliver customized results, all with minimal downtime. Once you make your purchase call the office to schedule your appointment at 734-287-3000!

Choose One

Full Face, Neck, Lower Face, Eyes, Forehead, Lips/Perioral, DĂ©colletage, Hands, Abdomen, Flanks, Inner/Outer Thighs, Buttock, Arms, Bra Fat, Front thigh/Knees

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* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.
sciton joulex 1.2x
sciton mjoule 1.2x
rha redensity 1.2x
alastin skincare 1.2x
fatty15 1.2x

Convenient Office Location in Wyandotte, MI

great lakes health wellness aesthetics office2 1.2x


Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday-Sunday: By Appointment Only
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