Bioidentical Hormone Therapy



Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The Benefits                        


As we age, hormones decline, our vision worsens, we can’t move like we used to,

our muscle mass decreases, our immune system doesn’t work like it used to, our

libido is at an all-time low and the fat around our belly increases. While the

wisdom that comes with age is nice, the wrinkles, ailing joints and general frailty

are not. That’s why it is no surprise that anti-aging is such a hot topic. Fortunately,

the key to anti-aging is within your reach at Great Lakes Health, Wellness & Aesthetics.


The Role Hormones Play

Hormones are chemical messengers that keep your body functioning optimally.

They play a significant role when it comes to relaying messages, inducing

reactions, protecting tissue and looking good. Hormones are major players in all

that you do and all that you are physically…from regulating metabolism and

growth to controlling immune function and reproduction. In addition to human

growth hormone and DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, cortisol and

insulin also play a role in aging.


Hormone Testing

When the balance of any one of these hormones is off, it can take a

serious toll on your mind, body and spirit – and mistaken as classic signs of

aging. Often, we have found that hormonal imbalance is the greatest hurdle and

missing link for our clients over 40 who want to lose fat weight, gain or maintain

muscle, have more energy, feel better, and improve overall health. Doctors

customarily don’t test for the hormones that leave people feeling unwell (such as

free testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, free T3 and insulin) because it’s not in

the standard blood panel protocol and/or insurance won’t cover it. These

hormones are just a few of the ones we test for among others.  Get your levels checked

with Great Lakes Health, Wellness & Aesthetics’ Hormone Panel.


The Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many common health and emotional symptoms can be directly related to

hormonal imbalance. People feel like themselves again and many symptoms

ease away after bioidentical hormones are introduced. Our natural sense of wellbeing

is restored when our hormones are in balance. By keeping the hormone

foundation restored, we support our immune system and reduce inflammation

that leads to diseases. This has tremendous positive benefits on our brain, heart

muscle, bones, and sleep. BHRT helps men and women maintain mental and

analytical edge while maintaining a healthy weight, cholesterol level and natural



Contact us today to learn more and get on your way to feeling and looking your best!



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Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday-Sunday: By Appointment Only
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